a product review and giveaway from Small Talk SLP
This week I'm participating in a fun party hosted by Sounds Like Fun! Several SLPs signed up to trade an item from their Teachers Pay Teachers stores, review the product, then host a giveaway. We're calling it a Speech Trading Post!
I was paired up with Small Talk SLP and she was generous enough to let me preview her Fast Pace Race for S & Z.
What attracted me to this packet was that it's aimed at students who are moving away from drill practice and are working on generalization of their target sounds into conversation.
What's Included:
Three different activities are included to help students practice carryover of their skills:
Warm-Up Tracks: students produce their target sounds as they move down the track. I really enjoyed the variety of tracks that were included in this level. There are multiple warm-up tracks for sounds in the initial, medial, and final positions of words. My students used these in plastic sleeves and marked off their words with dry erase markers. I also have sent these home with students for additional practice!
Qualifying Races: students say a series of words or phrases (multiple levels of difficulty included), racing to beat their previous time while still producing accurate sounds.
Fast Pace Races: students produce carrier phrase sentences, racing to beat their previous time while still producing accurate sounds. These were my favorite cards for my students since many of them are working on their sounds at the sentence level or while reading aloud.
Additional Features:
Game Cards: tell students which race to complete
Pit Stop Cards: can be used by students or SLPs to stop the race and try again.
Flat Tire Cards are presented to students if they produce errors during their races.
Game Cards: a random pick from these cards tells students which race to complete
Prize Cards: trophy and ribbon cards to award students after their races are over
Things to Note:
- I printed about half of these pages in black and white to save on paper. I printed the cover pages for the decks in color, and also the prize cards. The Pit Stop and Flat Tire cards printed well in black and white on colored paper.
- Many of the elements of Fast Pace Race can be used with other phonemes or goal areas. For example, I used the Flat Tire cards with a 5th grade student who was working on her spelling words. If she didn't produce accurate Rs while conversing, the Flat Tire cards served as an excellent visual prompt to correct her sounds.
- Qualifying Race and Fast Pace Race cards were also excellent practice for students who are working on reading and fluency skills.
- I used the Warm-Up Tracks with some language students. They had to make a grammatically correct sentence using whichever word they landed on. Then we worked on expanding their sentences to include more details.
- You can choose to play this game as designed or just pick and choose the elements that will be most helpful to your students. That's the beauty of this packet - it's soooo versatile!
Overall Thoughts:
This was such a creative and original packet! The multiple levels and activities are so very well thought out making this packet useful for students no matter which level of difficulty they are working on. My students were insanely motivated to try and beat their previous race records, and came into my therapy room asking if they could play "that racing game" again! I can't wait for other versions of this set to come out! In fact, I request a rush order on the vocalic R set please!!
Want to win your own Fast Pace Race set? You know you do! Just enter the giveaway below:
Don't want to wait until Friday to see if you've won? Snatch up your own copy here. And check out the TH version while you're at it.
One more thing!! Small Talk SLP is hosting a review and giveaway of my Fun in the Sun packet. Go check it out!